Pros and Cons of Rock and Mulch

Now that spring is finally here, it is time for you to start thinking about projects. One of the most common projects homeowners do during spring is refreshing plant beds and renovating landscapes. If you’re planning to do these things, you should first consider the ground cover. 


When it comes to groundcovers, rock and mulch are the two most well-known options. They provide their own benefits and drawbacks when it comes to cost, aesthetics, and maintenance. It is crucial to think about these elements since your plants require enough protection from harsh weather conditions.  

So, before you hire landscape companies to renovate your landscape, here are a couple of pros and cons of rock and mulch you should know: 


A lot of people love rocks. It requires little-to-no maintenance. In addition to that, it does not require frequent replacement as well. Furthermore, you can add additional rock every several years to achieve fresh colors for your landscape.  

  • Benefits 

Cost is definitely an aspect to consider. Rock might be more costly upfront when you compare it to mulch. However, you should know that you’ve got to replace mulch every year. On the other hand, the rock will not require replacement. Because of this, you’ll save money in the long run if you choose rocks. Just like mulch, rock also offers weed protection since it takes up some of the useful room that weeds will require to thrive.  

  • Drawbacks 

Unfortunately, rocks can increase the temperature of the soil. This can affect negatively the plants. They do not decompose as well. Particular minerals found in some rock covers can possibly influence the soil’s pH levels as well. Though rock cover does offer weed protection, it isn’t as successful as mulch.  


You can use a mulch to prevent frost in winter, keep the soil cool in summer, suppress weeds, and preserve moisture. Organic mulch also helps improve the drainage, structure, and nutrient-holding capacity of the soil as it decomposes.  

  • Benefits 

Mulch can hold moisture very well. Because of this, you might have to water your landscape less often if you apply mulch. Furthermore, mulch will break down over time. This is another benefit you should consider. Mulch will release nutrients into the soil as it breaks down.  

Furthermore, mulch is natural weed protection. It will obstruct sunlight from reaching the soil. This will prevent weeds from growing since they’re deprived of sunlight. You can also guarantee that your plants are protected if the weather gets cold since mulch can insulate the soil. 

  • Drawbacks 

One of the biggest disadvantages of mulch is that you will have to refresh it every year. As mentioned above, mulch will break down. Because of this, you will have to apply a fresh one by the time the snow melts. Of course, this is not a bad thing. However, it will certainly affect the overall cost.  

In addition to that, you’ve got to be wary as well. Low-quality mulch will often contain weed seeds. Because of this, you need to look for high-quality mulch in order to experience its benefits.  

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